Ideas for Outdoor Landscaping

Ideas for Outdoor Landscaping

As we enter into fall, many people have and continue to enjoy their time outdoors. Whether you’re hoping to plant a garden or just landscaping your backyard, there are plenty of ways to spruce up your outdoor space without breaking the bank.  Even though the outdoor...
Benefits of Natural Stone to Your Landscape

Benefits of Natural Stone to Your Landscape

Many homeowners are surprised to learn that natural stone can be incorporated into landscaping in different ways—from pathways and firepits, to retaining walls and other decorative elements. They look great and they can create a more enjoyable and usable space. Here...
Landscaping Design Ideas for Minimalists

Landscaping Design Ideas for Minimalists

When it comes to design trends, one idea that’s constantly topping the charts in the modern world is ‘minimalism’. This is now a lifestyle of many that focuses on living in clean, decluttered spaces. The main idea behind this is that less is more.   Based on...
Hardscape and Softscape Landscaping

Hardscape and Softscape Landscaping

To fully understand landscape design, you need to be aware of the two integral parts known as softscape and hardscape. The best way to remember the distinction between the two is the fact that they’re polar opposites of each other and both are equally important to...