We don’t know about you, but as soon as spring arrives, we start gearing up for fire pit and patio season. There’s nothing like kicking back on a summer evening with these essential pieces of your backyard. 

Grills are the essential accessory to any backyard outing, give it be a casual night with family or neighborhood party. While a fire pit creates a focal point for the rest of your outdoor landscaping. It allows you to make snacks like hot dogs and s’mores while keeping annoying pests at bay with its smoke and heat. 

While both these intrical parts have their own charm, you need to take a few safety measures before you get either going.

If you love fire pit and patio season as much as we do, these tips will come in handy for endless hours of enjoyable and safe fun:

A running fire pit

Run All The Essential Safety Checks Before You Grill:

The first grill of the season is always super anticipated, so it’s tempting to throw your meat right onto the grill and get started. Once the weather gets warm enough, you should first perform the necessary safety checks before hosting a cookout. 

First, you should check the mesh basket at the bottom of the charcoal chimney. Give it a few tugs, and check for rust. If the chimney has rusted or collapsed, it needs to be replaced. 

Next, ensure that your grill is placed in a spot where it won’t be in contact with any combustible materials. This includes shrubs, fences, deck railings, and vinyl sidings. 

Lastly, stock up on lighter fluid so you won’t have to run to the store last minute. For gas grills, it’s best to disconnect and clean them thoroughly before you reconnect the tubes and hoses. 

Review The Safety And User Manuals:

Yes, we know. You know how to use the grill perfectly. But the chances are, if you made a tiny mistake last year, you might have forgotten about it in the last ten months. 

Get out the user manual and safety notes to ensure you’re not missing anything. This will also allow you to get those first few barbecues perfect. 

If you’ve bought an updated grill, you should explore the manual for some cool new features you didn’t know about.

Build Your Own Gravel Fire Pit:

When you think of grilling, does a rustic-style metal grill on top of a fire pit come to mind? If yes, you should think of building your own new, safe fire pit to grill on. 

You can design your gravel-based fire pit with cylindrical metal tin siding encompassed in rocks to ensure safety. Moreover, the rocks ensure the structure stays in place. 

To get your own custom outdoor fire pit in Saco, get in touch with Stone Solutions Maine today! They offer endless designs to choose from, and can even do custom stone Veneer Installations. Contact us now for your free quote!