Did you know that the fire department responds to fires every 24 seconds in the US? Not only is a wood-burning fireplace a safety hazard it can be harmful to your health. That’s why it’s crucial to take every possible safety precaution in advance and protect your life and property. 


Most fireplace or chimney fires occur inside the home; thus, installing an outdoor fire pit if you have a nice backyard is advised. Not only does it offer you a great space to hold parties, but it also significantly reduces the risk of house fires. 


Here’s a list of some other safety tips to make your fireplace safe.

Keep furniture away from the hearth and keep curtains closed 

This way they don’t get uncomfortably hot or combustible material gets too close. If there’s anything nearby in the room that could catch on fire or melt, put it somewhere where it won’t be affected by the heat.

Crackling fireplace


Keep lighters and matches out of reach from children 

Keep a sturdy metal box with a tight-fitting lid to store your fighters and matches in, preferably at least three feet off the floor. Children are curious and don’t think twice before igniting a match.

Never leave children or pets alone in a room with an open fire 

This is perhaps the most important rule of all! Not only could you lose your home if you don’t follow safety, but it’s not worth the risk of losing precious loved ones. Never leave a fireplace unattended if you have pets or children.

Keep all fireplaces clear of clutter, papers, and objects that could ignite 

Don’t sacrifice your safety just to be able to store holiday decorations. Anything too close to the fireplace creates a potential for an unexpected explosion. Keep the decorations far away from your fireplace.


a fireplace in a living room, adding to the overall beauty of the space.


Take the time to clean out your chimney and get a professional inspection every year 

A clogged chimney can lead to many problems in a home: poor cleaning habits, poor burning habits, and even fires. Having a professional cleaning service will ensure that your chimney is cleaned properly and as often as needed throughout the year.


If your fireplace is made of stone, make sure it’s cleaned out and free of dust, debris, and other foreign substances before lighting. Particles of combustion byproducts tend to collect on top of the stones in our fireplaces. If you have a chimney that has a lot of soot build-up, make sure it’s cleaned out completely first.


Make sure you have working smoke detectors on every floor 

Smoke and soot can build up quickly and without warning, especially if you use artificial logs that produce more cash than real wood fires do. Regularly check your smoke detectors!

Always make sure that you have proper ventilation 

A closed room with no ventilation can fill with smoke at any time, even if you’re only using the fire for ambiance. Ventilation not only allows your fireplace to burn well, but it also allows you to breath fresh air.

Do not use your fireplace if you’ve recently had any internal or external construction completed 

Fires that are not properly sealed and insulated can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, and fires that let out amounts of carbon monoxide can cause drywall, plaster, paint, and other chemicals to emit toxic fumes.

Make sure you have a working fire extinguisher nearby 

No matter whether it’s natural gas or a wood-burning fireplace, there’s always a chance that something could go wrong. Having a fire extinguisher on hand is the best way to deal with any potentially harmful situation.


Also, make sure that every adult in your household knows how to work with the extinguisher effectively. 

Check your local fire department’s website for any additional information 

Even if your fireplace is in perfect working order, your local fire department may have specific regulations regarding the usage of wood-burning devices.


Investing in a fireplace has many benefits if you take all the precautions.  If you want to install a fireplace, Stone Solutions Maine can help you. They offer outdoor firepit installation, indoor stone fireplace installation, and custom outdoor firepits. Their professional team also offers you stone veneer installation, masonry services, outdoor landscaping services, and much more. 

Contact them today to learn more about their services.