Your curb appeal is the first thing people see when driving or passing by your home. It’s their initial view of your property, and taking care of your yard and curb is essential if you want your property to appear more welcoming.

If you’re looking to sell your home shortly, you should consider investing in your lawn and improving its health. Buyers and investors will not be interested in your property if it requires a lot of yard work and renovations. 

Having an unkempt lawn affects your home’s look, value, and the value of houses around you. Here are a few ways you can increase your curb appeal with gardening:

Planting flowers

More for their beauty than functional, adding a flowerbed can make your front outdoor space visually appealing. It can be a barrier between sections of your yard for extra interest and character. 

Depending on the kind of flowers or flora you’re into, you can use whatever types of flowers and bring color and life to your curbs. You can plant flowers during the fall season to give them enough time to soak in all the nutrients from the soils and fertilizers. By the time spring and summer roll around, you’ll have yourself a little garden. 

Make sure you take proper care of them to ensure their health and do your research on the types of flowers you choose so you can plant them accordingly. Some flowers may not do well under constant sunlight or rain, so use hanging planters and pots for those.

Use trees as softscape elements

Adding trees and plants around your yard and curb isn’t just visually appealing; it doubles as shade and helps fight climate change. You can also plant them around your fences or the front of your yard for an extra layer of privacy. 

However, be mindful of not planting your new trees too close to your house or any nearby power lines. Their roots and branches can disrupt the foundation and roofing of your house or be hazardous if they get too close to any power lines.

Increasing your curb appeal doesn’t mean compromising on the structural integrity of your home or your safety. Consult experts and do proper research before you go around haphazardly planting trees anywhere.

Build your own garden

Depending on your area’s climate, the soil, and how committed you are to gardening, building your garden can be functional and appealing. It’s a great way to utilize your soil and increase the productivity of your land. Building a vegetation garden can save you a lot of money in groceries and food.

A man pressing in soil for gardening and planting

Hire a landscaper to do the job for you

Gardening, designing landscapes, and improving the exterior of your house isn’t a job you can handle on your own. More often than not, it’s more manageable and cost-effective to have a professional come in and handle all the heavy lifting for your project.

If you’re looking for gardening landscaping in Saco, reach out to us for a free consultation.

At Stone Solutions Maine, we strive to provide you with the best service and make your outdoor space dreams become a reality. Our masonry and gardening landscaping services add the personal touch you need to amp up your outdoor spaces.