Plants That Can Attract Butterflies To Your Maine Garden
Butterflies are a joy to see flitting around in the garden, and they can be a great indicator of the health of your plants. Not only that, but they provide an important service to Maine gardens by pollinating flowers. If you want to attract these beautiful creatures...
Landscaping Plants That Repel Mosquitoes In Maine
Have mosquitoes been pestering you as you spend quality time in your backyard or patio? Don’t enjoy the overwhelming smell of citronella candles? You may be surprised to know that many beautiful landscaping plants are effective mosquito repellents! Try...
Landscaping Plants That Repel Ticks in Maine
Living in Maine, we are all too familiar with the dangers of ticks. The warm weather brings them out in droves, looking for their next meal. These pesky bloodsuckers can transmit Lyme disease and other illnesses, making them a serious health hazard. But did you know...
How to Achieve a Luxury Landscape
Imagine yourself entertaining guests around a gorgeous fire pit while you pour martinis in your posh outdoor bar and serve snacks straight from the outdoor kitchen. How about picturing yourself meditating in your private refuge surrounded by mesmerizing nature? ...